venerdì 13 febbraio 2009

ARENA: Evo Szuyuan

uqbar. media art culture e Rinascimento Virtuale

Vi invitano all'apertura di /Invite you at the Opening of

Evo Szuyuan

Friday, February 13 - Sunday , February 15, 2009
(09 PM CET - 12 AM SLT)


Evo Szuyuan is a new media artist, programmer, curator and machinimatographer.With a main interest for Virtual Reality and Immersive and NetworkedEnvironments she contributed to numerous international collaborativeArt and Research projects that have been awarded and presented atfestivals, galleries and musea all over the world, including ArsElectronica, DEAF and the Swiss National Museum.In 2006 she started exploring the potential of the Second Lifeplatform as the avatar Evo Szuyuan.There she got involved in creating movies with and for music groups,performance and installation artists. These movies have been screenedat, among other places, the Rome Filmfest and at the EuropeanMachinima Festival, where they received nominations in 3 awardcategories. She is currently finishing the machinimatography for thefeature lengh movie "Fly me/Volavola", which is shot entirely inSecond Life.

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